Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The New Age Jaichands

Prithivi Raj chauhan's campaign against against Mohammed Ghori's repeated attempts came to an end when Jaichand decided to take personal revenge by helping the forigner.

When Sonal Shah was appointed in the Obama’s transition team, some Indian-Americans expressed their concerns about her VHP and RSS Links. A big news was made of this, however I still fail to understand why someone having links with RSS can raise concerns among Indians living in USA, after all RSS is not a terrorist organization. Obama has links with church and no one makes an issue of that, then why should someone having links with VHP be considered a problem by Indians. Same way congress and its supporters living in US make it a point to lobby strongly against the visa to a democratically elected CM of Indian State.

I do not know really how brutal it was in Kandhar, but the way it was portrayed it just looked like another holocaust. EU expressed its concerns for the safety of cristians in India, why because of some people in India sitting and reporting and making it another holocaust. It might have been bad, not as bad as was reported. I know a few people, working in MNCs, who applied for immigration to European countries on grounds of threat to their lives in India. Then there are NGO who have to sell such things to get the money.

Coming to the report of SIT, which was appointed by Supreme Court, that says that NGOs actually cooked up the events in Gujrat after Godhara. SIT clear points out that people like Teesta have actually tutored the witnesses. The role of media can also not be denied in this, people might remember the sting operation done by Tahlka just before the last Gujrat Elections. Are the people like Teesta are doing it just get some extra money, which casts India to be ranked among the countries not safe for minorities.

I think all such people, who just for the sake of some personal rivalries or some money go all out to malign the image of India, are more dangerous then one Jaichand. If such people are not controlled, I fear India might be just getting closer to another partition (Current population break up of India is pretty close to what it was in 1947). Anyways the experiments like Ulema Council have already began, which if work out the bad days are around.

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