Friday, February 27, 2009

UPA takes credit for Slumdog

The credit of oscars must go to congress party ??..............................Bcoz without congress there would not have been slums in India even after 62years of independence.

Ram bhi dar gaye

Shri Ram coments on Ram SethuThe Lord Shree Shree Ramachandra Prabhu surveyed the Ram Setu and said "Hanuman, how diligently and strenuously you and your vanara sena had builtthis bridge several centuries back. It is remarkable that it has withstoodthe ravages of the climatic and geographical changes over centuries. It is indeed an amazing feat especially considering the fact that a bridge atHyderabad built by Gammon using latest technology collapsed the other dayeven before they could stick the posters on its pillars."Hanuman with all humility spoke "Jai Sri Ram, it is all because of yourgrace. We just scribbled your name on the bricks and threw them in the seaand they held. No steel from TISCON or cement from Ambuja or ACC was ever used. But Lord, why rake up the old issue now."Ram spoke "Well, Hanuman some people down there want to demolish the bridgeand construct a canal. The contract involves lot of money and lot of money will be made. They will make money on demolition and make more money onconstruction. "Hanuman humbly bowed down and said "Why not we go down and present ourcase"
Ram said "Times have changed since we were down there. They will ask us to submit age proof and we don't have either a birth certificate or schoolleaving certificate. We traveled mainly on foot and some times in bullockcarts and so we don't have a driving license either. As far as the address proof is concerned the fact that I was born at Ayodhya is itself underlitigation for over half a century, If I go in a traditional attire withbow and arrow, the ordinary folks may recognize me but Arjun Singh may take me to be some tribal and, at the most, offer a seat at IIT under thereserved category. Also, a God cannot walk in dressed in a three-piece suitand announce his arrival. It would make even the devotees suspicious. So it is dilemma so to say.""I can vouch for you by saying that I personally built the bridge.""My dear, Anjani putra, it will not work. They will ask you to produce thelay-out plan, the project details, including financial outlay and how the project cost was met and the completion certificate. Nothing is acceptedwithout documentary evidence in India. You may cough but unless a doctorcertifies it, you have no cough. A pensioner may present himself personally but the authorities do not take it as proof. He has to produce alife-certificate to prove that he is alive. It is that complicated.""Lord can't understand these historians. Over the years you have given darshan once every hundred years to saints like Surdas, Tulsidas, SaintThyagaraja, Jayadeva, Bhadrachala Ramdas and even Sant Tukaram and stillthey disbelieve your existence and say Ramayana is a myth. The only option, I see, is to re-enact Ramayana on earth and set the government recordsstraight once for all."
Lord smiled "It isn't that easy today. Ravan is apprehensive that he maylook like a saint in front of Karunanidhi. I also spoke to his mama Mareecha, who appeared as a golden deer to tempt Sita maiyya when I was inthe forest and he said that he won't take a chance of stepping on earth aslong as Salman Khan is around."

Can someone tell her about the map of INDIA

I still remember the controversy a few months back regarding the Nokia maps, where they had shown LOC and LAC as international boundaries of India, instead of the boundaries accepted by India, that Includes Pak occupied Kashmir and Aksai chin. Then there was a controversy about a Map of Himanchal Govt.

But the ad given by CM of UP, posing inside India is the heights of %^&&%&*&^. Such an Idiotic act could have been expected from one and only Mayawati. I believe Dainik jagran is also equally responsible for this, they also need to make sure not to publish such maps.

Also I am not sure, if no one really picked up coz I didn't read or hear about this anywhere till now, its already one full day.
I understand that India has no administrative control over those areas but Fortunatly for India, Mayawati is not yet the person to decide about the borders of India, nor am I.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Diversity and freedom

We have a President who insists on covering her head and wearing long sleeves even in the height of summer, a Prime Minister who wears a turban, a Chief Election Commissioner who proudly displays a caste mark, and Parliamentarians who make a practice of sporting unconventional apparels which ensure that their caste, community or region is easily identifiable. I personally feel, that to build a harmonious, integrated society in modern day India, it might be wiser to try ironing out differences in society, instead of going out of the way to reinforce the angularities.

I recall the advice to the Parsees by the ruler of Sanjan, Jadi Rana, back in the eighth century. The Parsees, who fled religious persecution in Persia, landed in Gujarat and requested asylum. Jadi Rana allowed them to settle on certain conditions. The Parsees were told to give up the Persian language and speak the local lingo. They were also asked to dress like the natives and respect and observe the customs of the majority community. They could practise their religious ceremonies in private. The king's advice was sound. This minority community prospered in its adopted land by melting easily into the mainstream, even while maintaining its identity for over 1200 years.

The New Youth Icon

Mr. Rahul Gandhi, the so called yuvraj of Congress on India, is touted to be the youth icon of the country. INC wants to use him as a youth mascot of an elderly party. When I say elderly party I did not mean, about the age of the party or of its leaders. Rahul has only one qualification to become a youth mascot and that is his surname gandhi.
But I would say that Rahul is either not grown up or is already elderly, I am saying so because of his thinking. A person who puts Industrialization as pro reach can not be fit to be called a youth. Probably he is carrying the same thinking, as has been forced by his forefathers, of just wooing the voters by non relevant things. If anyone looks at the world, he/she can easily find that, its the industrialization that changed the world. USA may be a capitalist country (a Pro rich) and the country hardly has any poverty. Today we may say that USA is struggling, but let me assure you about the fact that they are still better off then most of the Indians. The only thing is that they are not used to even slightly bad things and we have grown up seeing worst things around us.
If rahul thinks that by spending a night at a Dalt's house, he is doing nothing but proving his incapability. It simply means that in the first 36-37 years of his life he never got a chance to look beyond the dream world of 10 Janpath, USA and Columbia (his GFs native ).
If Innocence is hallmark of childhood then Ideology is the hallmark of the youth and for that reason I say that Rahul can not be termed as youth as for him, I don't know what matters beyond votes.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Two sets of rules

"What became clear to me is that we can't send a message to the American people that we've got two sets of rules: one for prominent people and one for ordinary people. So I consider this a mistake on my part and one that I intend to fix and correct and make sure that we're not screwing up again,"

This is what US President Obama said in an interview to Fox, about the appointments of two tax evaders in his staff.

The Point I wanted to make here is that, in India at least every politician and influencial person tries to convey the message very clearly, that in India, there really exist two set of rules, one for Prominent Indians and one for Ordinary Indians. Be it the BMW case, where kin of ex Navy chief was involved or any other in which at least we got to know about the case through the coverage provided by Media. Here we have one more rule, i.e. if its about an influential person Media will cover it with full glare, but numorous numbers of crimes committed every day in all the parts of the country just go unnoticed.

In India no government has tried to give such a message till date, even if they are caught, all the possible attempts are made to cover up the things. I hope some day India will get its own Obama (Please do not compare him with Mayawati just both are from underprivileged sections of the society).