Thursday, January 29, 2009

Our Great Secular Media....

Today I have spotted two contrasting news and their coverage by the so called secular Indian media. One news, which got extreme coverage was that "More proof on Muthalik's Malegaon blasts connection". This news appears on the main page of NDTV website and has been followed ridiculuosly through the day by the fanatics (journalists).
Now if you go through the article you will realize that Mr. Ram only praised Pragya and Lt. Col. Purohit, and if NDTV considers this speech as a proof of his involvement in Malegaon Blasts, then probably all the politicians of Tamilnadu should be behind bars, as they not only praise LTTE but also use their influence on Indian government to help them. How about the Imams of Jama Masjid Delhi and deoband, who do not shy away from praising global terrorists like Osama bin Laden.

Now contrast it, with another news:
If you look at the picture, the protesters are holding the Indian flag upside down. This in itself is a big crime and in addition to that these are the guys backing the culprits of batla house. Now I do not understand why should our national media ignore such a big thing, when it puts a speech of support as proof of involvement.

Just imagine what NDTV will report if there was rally in support of Pragya and Lt. Col. Purohit.

1 comment:

D said...

Well good point to come out with. I feel disgusted with the Indian media. Well written...