Wednesday, August 15, 2007

६० साल कि आजादी: क्या खोया क्या पाया

Today India completed 60 years of the Independence, with that came some different interpretation of the 60 years. Some said "now India becomes a senior citizen" & some said " India at 60 is Sexy". The second statement itself reflects the change in the culture & the attitude of the society.

Today I read a very good comparison on various measure of the India in 1947 & India in 2007. the statistics were great & gave a sense that we have grown a lot indeed. Defiantly we have grown a large extent, from the era of movies like "Sant Tukaram" to the era of movies like " Cheeni Kum". In 1947 people believed in gods & saints. They also had one alive saint to worship at that point of time. The saint died & came the era of an charismatic leader, who took initiatives to establish the county in the International stage & also tried his best to establish the Industry & the Institutions, which took the country forward. the 50s & 60s were not good but still the people were happy, as they were not having much of the glimpse of the developed world & remained happy being a third world country. The movies of that time were also showcasing same happiness, some sorrow & sometimes the society as reflected in "naya daur".

Then came the era of the great Indian middle class, the India made of the clerks. People had to stand in ques for even the basic amenities. With that came the anger against the system, the system which deteriorated considerably. People were unhappy with the redtapism, unemployment & the quotas. The society found its reflection in an "angry young man", who portrayed the anger of the great Indian middle class.

With the advent of MNCs in India after India adopted a liberal economic policy, the country started to use global brands. The same way evolved the angry young man, who now is an very happy old man and plays a sexy sam. No more we are bothered about the old moral values & the ethics. In the same manner grew the Indian middle class, whose children now work for IT companies instead of trying to become "babus". The good old "Buland bharat ki buland tasweer" no more produces Chetaks, it now has a different tone, which represents the today's youth. A population, which is happy in itself.

Also at the same time there was a part of that old Indian middle class, who were not able to catch up with the development. They fell back, but still part of that great Indian middle class. The Middle class has grown & has grown its range. People living in metros, who spend there holidays abroad are middle class walahs & at the same time the families living on 1500Rs a month in UP & Bihar consider themselves also to be from the middle class.

India has grown and will grow with good pace, but what has to be ensured is that every sect of the society participates in this growth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a nice analysis of the current state of affairs & the changes in the society.....